Friday, August 27, 2010

can't think of a title.

Third day of classes are overrrr! Thank goodness. Yesterday I had Christian Life & Thought, my only class on thursdays! And it was great! I think I'm gonna love it alot. Professor Dixon reminded me of Carter Booker. But probs a little nicer and relaxed. Still love Booker. Anyways, in CLT he would do attendance and asked you to say your hometown instead of "here!" so we could see what state had the most people from. Indiana came in second! Mostly because me, Elizabeth, and Ryan were in that class. and two other girls from Indiana! Who knew?! Also, Ryan decided to blurt out that "Elizabeth dates my brother!" in front of the whole class. It was pretty funny. Then professor Dixon asked if I was "the other girlfriend" meaning Ryan's? I don't know. But he's funny. 

As Elizabeth and I skyped with some people from high school last night, I realized some things about why I'm glad I came to Cedarville. First, the person we skyped with that really made me realize some things (I won't say their name) goes to a slightly Christian college. But he/she was kindof making fun of the fact that we have chapel every day. And kept saying things that were implying that they were better than us for choosing a school where they can do what they want, but still have some Christianity in the school. But I realized I would much rather want to be at a strict Christian school rather than the other. It may suck at times, or get annoying, but I know I will be thankful for it in the long run. It makes me so glad to finallllly be at a school where mostly everyone wants to be at a school this strictly Christian. Like at Heritage, so many of the people didn't even want to be there, nor did they care about any of the Christian parts of the school. Ambrose said to me "most of the students at HCS would throw up just thinking about having to go to chapel every day." That really shows me where people's priorities are when they say that to me. I know that God is already doing so much in my heart and that makes me so excited to see where I will end up after four years of this! It's just amazing the difference when you are around people who actually want to be in this environment. I know I probably said some of that already, sorry, but it's just really amazing to me! 

Besides that, nothing really new has happened since Wednesday. Tonight is the Involvement Fair! I wanna look into Young Life! I heard it is really great! We wanna go do something off campus tonight...but not sure what.. haha. Also, I didn't have to give my speech today! And, I'm totes not nervous anymore because everyone's today was so relaxed and he didn't care. Also, he looked at the mirror in the back of the room SIXTEEN times or more in one minute. I wanna count how many times he does it in one class. You would think that a speech teacher would be good at speaking. Nope. He does not make eye contact. Just looks at the back of the room or himself in the mirror. Totes creepy. 

Also, I put up some pics of our room on my other blog! check it out!

love you all!

1 comment:

  1. The words I'm reading in this blog, Hannah. What maturity!! What insight!! Hold onto this kind of thinking and you will go far, girl.
