Tuesday, August 31, 2010

love mah friendsss.

So I love making new friends. I thought I would hate it and be terrible at it, but I really love it. 

I've already met some people who I honestly think could end up being life long friends. The ones I feel that way about I feel like I've been friends with them forever. There's this girl Lindsay O'Neal and she went to Fishers high school...so weird I didn't know her till I came here and she lived like 20 minutes from me. Odd. 
She is really great and I already feel like I've been besties with her since like middle school. It's great. And there are a couple guys I just feel like I've known for a long time. It makes me feel so at home to have people like them already.

As much fun as making friends is, and I do love it, I still miss some of my old friends. It's very odd hearing other people from highschool talking about school...but being at a different school than me. It just doesn't feel right. I miss knowing everyone all the time... but at the same time, I love seeing new people every day and now finally starting to recognize people and being able to say hi to them. It's a great feeling. 

I've found that the best way to make new friends is just to be myself. I don't know if everyone here will like me being myself, but let's hope that those who do like it, will be my friend. I don't feel like I act any different here than I do at home...which I guess is a good thing. But I do feel more free to be more of me than I have been before. Even though me can be kindof probs annoying alot of the time (apparently I make people's ears bleed- Kris), I hope that people don't mind that. I know that I don't mind when people talk alot, it makes me feel more comfortable. Also, now I'm on a rant and I have no idea what I was talking about or even where I was going with this...but it feels great to be able to be myself and that can really be whatever I want it to be. 

Well...that may potentially be brutal to read. Sorry about that. 
I just took my first college quiz. Totes aced it. Bomb. Politics - thank you Scott. 

Tomorrow I have a super busy day. Ugh. 8 am biology, 10 chapel, 11 speech, 12 politics, 3 bio lab! SO MUCH. Thankfully all I have on Thursday is just Christian Life and Thought...could potentially end up being one of my favorite classes. For sure.

We went to the first Cedarville sporting event tonight! SOCCER! holla! It was totes fun...and totes just like high school. Love it. Can't wait for more. Especially the women's vball game friday night! Go steph and kels! 

Also, I cannot wait for NFL football season. Brought out the Colt's blanket (Thanks to Kris) to sit on during the soccer game. One of my new friends Michael loves the Patriots and wouldn't even touch the blanket...but that's okay cause I wouldn't touch a Patriots blanket either. I told him we had to be on silence during Colt's and Patriots games and the whole week before and after the Colt's and Patriots play. Yes. I've got the Colt's back, no big deal. 

Well I need to go to sleep now! 
Hope you all enjoy! 
Lots of love! :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

can't think of a title.

Third day of classes are overrrr! Thank goodness. Yesterday I had Christian Life & Thought, my only class on thursdays! And it was great! I think I'm gonna love it alot. Professor Dixon reminded me of Carter Booker. But probs a little nicer and relaxed. Still love Booker. Anyways, in CLT he would do attendance and asked you to say your hometown instead of "here!" so we could see what state had the most people from. Indiana came in second! Mostly because me, Elizabeth, and Ryan were in that class. and two other girls from Indiana! Who knew?! Also, Ryan decided to blurt out that "Elizabeth dates my brother!" in front of the whole class. It was pretty funny. Then professor Dixon asked if I was "the other girlfriend" meaning Ryan's? I don't know. But he's funny. 

As Elizabeth and I skyped with some people from high school last night, I realized some things about why I'm glad I came to Cedarville. First, the person we skyped with that really made me realize some things (I won't say their name) goes to a slightly Christian college. But he/she was kindof making fun of the fact that we have chapel every day. And kept saying things that were implying that they were better than us for choosing a school where they can do what they want, but still have some Christianity in the school. But I realized I would much rather want to be at a strict Christian school rather than the other. It may suck at times, or get annoying, but I know I will be thankful for it in the long run. It makes me so glad to finallllly be at a school where mostly everyone wants to be at a school this strictly Christian. Like at Heritage, so many of the people didn't even want to be there, nor did they care about any of the Christian parts of the school. Ambrose said to me "most of the students at HCS would throw up just thinking about having to go to chapel every day." That really shows me where people's priorities are when they say that to me. I know that God is already doing so much in my heart and that makes me so excited to see where I will end up after four years of this! It's just amazing the difference when you are around people who actually want to be in this environment. I know I probably said some of that already, sorry, but it's just really amazing to me! 

Besides that, nothing really new has happened since Wednesday. Tonight is the Involvement Fair! I wanna look into Young Life! I heard it is really great! We wanna go do something off campus tonight...but not sure what.. haha. Also, I didn't have to give my speech today! And, I'm totes not nervous anymore because everyone's today was so relaxed and he didn't care. Also, he looked at the mirror in the back of the room SIXTEEN times or more in one minute. I wanna count how many times he does it in one class. You would think that a speech teacher would be good at speaking. Nope. He does not make eye contact. Just looks at the back of the room or himself in the mirror. Totes creepy. 

Also, I put up some pics of our room on my other blog! dontleavejustyet.blogspot.com check it out!

love you all!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

first day of classes '010!

Welp! First day of class = over! I made it through the first day. Had a couple misunderstandings with my biology class...but it's fine! I got put in the wrong biology class...for a major. NOT FOR ME. absolutely not. It sounded terrible. So my academic advisor got me out of that real fast! Now I'm in the right class, Principles of Biology, but unfortunately that is MWF 8 AM! ahh! Oh well! and I have the bio lab Wednesdays at 3-4:20! So, not bad! 

After bio I have chapel, then Speech with Professor Greene...he's cool. Although the whole time during class he stared at the back wall..and didn't really look at us. It was odd. Maybe thats cause there was a mirror on the back wall? Not sure.

Then I have Politics and American Culture at 12! The professor seems really nice! He's a young guy and the class seems just like Gov't from Watt in high school. So I'm hoping that it wont be too bad. 

Kirk ate lunch with me, Steph, Kels, Kassi, and David. His first time eating in Chuck's in over a year! Lucky him! He suggested that I tell my Politics professor that my dad is a senator and that he could come in a speak if he needed...trying to get me an in with the prof! Let's go dad! 

Now elizabeth and I are just chillin in our room... I'm trying to organize my thoughts about the syllabi..crazyyy.  So much stuff! But so much more time! It's awesome!

Tomorrow all I have is Christian Life and Thought! Such an easy day! 

But homework for Friday, I already have an introductory speech about three ways I'm different than anyone in the class... and I have NO idea. hmm.. suggestions?
I have a chapter to read for speech also. 
For politics I just have to read some Bible verses to read cause we are going to go over government and how it got started and stuff on Friday! 

We have to go take our computers to get a program installed to figure out how to use the 'S' drive on a mac..apparently thats how all the teachers give homework and assignments! uh-oh! better figure that out soon!

I slept last night without tylenol pm, and I slept fine! It was wonderful! I felt so much more refreshed than sleeping with medication! Let's hope it works again tonight! :)

okay well..hopefully I'll have time to post again soon! 

love you all! 

Monday, August 23, 2010


Well first few days here went fine! I cannot believe I am actually at COLLEGE now. Suuuch a weird feeling. So we left Friday at like 11 and went and visited baby Jax first, soo cute. Then we met Elizabeth here at like 3:45 and started moving in! It really didn't take that long and our room looks GREAT! A little on the small side, but nothing I cant handle. We went out to dinner Friday night and then I had a kickoff party for freshman, and it was actually pretty fun! 

Saturday the boys, David and Ryan, and Mr. and Mrs. Ledbetter came and saw our rooms and then me and Elizabeth went to target with my family! We just needed to get some last minute things like bins and stuff. Then my family left after we got it all set up and we said our goodbyes! I'll miss my family :( But it's okay because I know God has alot in store for me here at Cedarville. 

After that, Elizabeth and I went and got our ID's and registered our cars and did some other paperwork type things. Then we had small groups at 6 and did stuff with that until like 10.  We went to brock lounge and hung out and played bananagrams after that! Then we went to bed!

Sunday we had a chapel/church service at 10 and then we went to lunch with the Ledbetters and Elizabeth. After that we just hung out for a while. I was really tired so I took a nap/watched a couple episodes of 30 Rock :) while everyone else went to another small group things.

Then I drove to Xenia to get some tylenol PM and kind of clear my head.  I haven't been sleeping well so I thought some sleep aid would be of good help! And it did help! I slept like a rock last night! 

We also had a night worship thing outside by the rock last night, and that was so cool! 

It's amazing the difference being at chapels where the people actually want to be there, rather than Heritage, where half the people would rather not be there. The atmosphere is just so different and it is so much easier to actually be praising God rather than just singing along like at Heritage.  It is very cool. 

This morning (monday) we had meetings with our departments/majors! I went to the undecided one...of course. It was fine and made me not feel as bad for being undecided cause of all the ways they can help me choose what I want to major in! 

Then we had chapel, part of the fall Bible conference and it was great! Then the freshman had to stay for like a little meeting...which was super pointless cause everything we heard we had just heard from our department meetings. oh well! 

Just got back from lunch and Elizabeth and I are gonna go check out the Library and then maybe work out? ehh...hhahah. not for me. :) I might just go watch David and Ryan hit some baseballs instead. It is beautifullll outside! 

Well...that is all I have for now! Hopefully I will have some time to post some stuff after my first classes on Wednesday! :)

love you all!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


New post coming tonight or tomorrow! Sorrry for the delay! Been buussyyy!! :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

from four to two...too fast.

I cannot believe it is only two days now! ahhhh! I'm really starting to get stressed out now. My room is definitely not at all ready to go. But I did just start packing a little more, and I have no idea where to start. at all. 

Anna Teeter, Julie Bergman, Kalen Ney, and Emily Ferrara are coming over when they get out of school for like a little goodbye/give stuff back type thing.  It hasn't really hit me yet that I am actually leaving in two days! So I know this sounds bad, but I'm not really that sad yet.  I think it'll hit me when I actually have to say goodbye to Lizzle. That will be awful. :(

For now I am just trying to stay calm. I keep reading everyone's tweets and status updates about leaving, and it is just so weird! I've been going to school with these people for like 13 years, and now to hear them say they are getting ready to go to school, but not at the same school as me...it's weird. And kind of sad! But I know that I'll make some really great friends at Cedarville that will be even harder to leave when we graduate college...crazy thought. No thanks. Not right now. 

We went to the state fair on monday. It was so fun! Me, Lindsay, Chris, David, Ryan, TJ, Elizabeth, and Courtney. We met up with a bunch of people that were there too and it ended up being a fun time :) 

I'm going again tonight with my family! Can't wait! Tomorrow I am going to lunch/breakfast with Lauren and going to Claire's to find a nose ring that isn't very noticable. hehe. 

Okay well now they are all coming over to say buh-byeeeee! 

Monday, August 16, 2010

four days.

Well, I've only got four days until I move to Cedarville! I absolutely cannot wait. Thrilled is the perfect word to describe how I'm feeling right about now....along with nervous, anxious, scared, a little sad, but mostly just excited.  Cedarville seems like the perfect school for me and I am so excited to see what God does in my life through Cedarville.  I can't wait to meet so many new people and make wonderful new friends! 

Right now I am just waiting for Friday to roll around! I'm mostly packed, I've got three bins full of things over in the corner in my room.  They are filled with my school things, books, pictures, curtains, toiletries, decorative things, and much more! Then there's all my bedding stuff sitting over there. My wonderfullll down comforter is in the corner, along with my mattress pad and new pillow! My actual bedding is downstairs hanging in the closet so it doesn't get wrinkly. I still have to pack up all my clothes, but I'm not sure how to do that this early before cause I might still wear some of those clothes. Oh well. There are a couple errands I need to run, mostly just to target to get a few last minute things. And I've gotta figure out what I'm gonna do with my nose ring. eek. 

This last week I just wanna be able to do fun things! Like go to the state fair! It's the last week for the fair and I STILL have not gone yet! But I'm going tonight! yeahhh! There are still some people I wanna see before I leave, and I really hope I'll have time.  I've realized that if I wasn't going to school with Elizabeth Douglass (my roomie!) and David and Ryan, Stephanie Rogers, and Kelsey Christiansen, I would be an absolute wreck this summer! Thankfully I'm going with some of my best friends. And I can't wait to see how our friendships grow! 

Well now I have to go do some things in my room to keep packing! Oh and today Kris is helping me make a Colts fleece blanket to take with for football season! I'll be in Browns and Bengals territory! oh no! 
I'll post later!